Get to know us

We feel truly blessed to be part of God’s work, sharing His love and message with others. Our relationship with Jesus is everything!

Author Jennifer Goebbel standing in a field smiling with the sun on her face

Meet Jennifer

Hey friends! If you desire to help your kids know Jesus but you’re not sure how, you’re not alone. Even as a Pastor’s wife,
I felt the same way when it came to pouring into our four kids, especially with
our limited time and their limited attention. That’s why I started creating
at-home Bible studies for my family. As we worked through them, I was amazed at
how close my kids grew to God and how close we grew together as a family—all in
only 10 minutes a day! Now, I want to share these powerful studies with your
family so that you can put God first in practical, fun ways.

Meet Tara

Amazing friends, hello! I am thrilled that you are here. I have much to share about myself and the testimony of God's work in my life and I love to tell it, but I'll give you the cliff notes [how cool would it be to meet in person?! - cue excited shreek!]

I lived part of my life disconnected from God, drifting, and turning to "things" that would never satisfy the longing I had to feel connection and for purpose. Believe me when I say I am grateful for God's unrelenting pursuit of us. I am a wife, the mother of two AH-Mazing children, and a leader in Children's Ministry. If you had told me this is what I would be doing ten years ago, I would raise a dubious brow; I felt very unqualified to lead my babies, let alone a ministry. But, GOD. My life was forever changed through the freedom of knowing God and allowing Him to restore and transform my heart. My relationship with Him has changed my life and legacy forever. God has sustained me through many trials, and I am grateful for His presence and gentle whispers.

God positioned people around me who encouraged me in my faith, spoke identity over me, and pointed me to Jesus. This is what I want for you: to be encouraged and know the truth of God's unfailing love for you so your roots will grow deep in Christ.

This is my passion - Freedom, Community, and Encouraging you. You are a wonderful masterpiece, loved, not alone, and you are enough.