We did it!! We sent off our very first set of blankets to China last month!! I thought it would be fun to share some of the experience with you, through pictures!

It was a super fun experience for the kids and for me. And, I learned something new, how to sew…if you missed the story of how all of this came to happen, you can read more here! I had a blast spending one on one time with the kids, praying over the blankets as we sewed and sent them out, getting to have conversations about kids in orphanages, and focusing our attention on caring about the needs of others. It really has been such a blessing.
The kids were even more excited to see this picture come back from our missionary friends over at His Feet International: [Thank you Todd & Michelle for all you do for others and for Jesus!! You’re both an inspiration!]

I truly LOVE doing things with my family to serve others. Don’t wait for anyone else to organize an event or invite you to serve. There are so many ways to care for others…make it a point, schedule it on the calendar, and do it!!! I would love to hear your ideas and plans…
And if you would like to make blankets, I just happen to know someone who would be ecstatic to take them to some orphanages for you!! [yes, that would be me/us, we are taking a trip this summer…but I’ll finish that story another day, lol!]