It all starts with you. [and me!]
Deuteronomy 6:5-7a “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children…”
I love that these verses start out addressing us, the parents, and ends letting us know we are called to teach our kids about the Lord too! We are called to love the Lord with everything we are…to keep his word and his commandments in our hearts at all times. And that means, we need to have an active, living, breathing relationship with Jesus. We can’t give away something we don’t have! Right?! It’s really so very important…your relationship with the Lord needs to be a priority in your life, in order for it to be a priority in your child’s life.
Verse 7 takes it from us…to our kids. “Impress them on your children…” The majority of the time, we are taking our kiddos to others, in order for them to learn. From sports to school and even Sunday mornings. We’ve outsourced most things when it comes to teaching our kids. But, this verse makes it clear, it is our responsibility as parents, to teach our kids to love God and keep His commandments. And I fully believe, it’s time for us to rise up and take that responsibility back!
Let me encourage you…right here and right now is a great time and place to start! Maybe you’re doing great in this department, but maybe you’re realizing how much it really is your responsibility to teach your kids at home…about Jesus and the Bible. Yay!!! I’m genuinely so excited for you and for your family!! Start now, talk with Jesus about where you’re at. Make some very important shifts in your day/week to make sure Jesus and his Word are not just a priority in your life, but that they are first in your life. It all starts with you!
In the beginning of April, I’m going to be touching more on what’s next…what does/can this look like? What is God calling me to? What’s my part? I’m more excited than you know to begin this new journey together. God’s Word doesn’t return void…sowing seeds of Christ into your kids will surrender a harvest of more than you could ever imagine!
Until April 🙂

A little gift for you to print out, save as your desktop image or to put on your phone!